New Chapter

Created by julie 16 years ago
Nan always so determined and strong we thought you would be here forever! It’s hard to think of life with out you. After you had gone leaving as all here and while mum stepped out to get the nurse and Rach pressed the bell. I squeezed your hand and selfishly whispered "Come on Nan one more time!" We were not ready for you to leave us all. But now I know it was time for you to go. As now you have no pain and can rest your old body and mind. I always thought of you as half English and Half German that’s probably why you had such a good sense of humour. Always seeing the funny side of things probably because you didn’t want us to be upset. Always asking us all how we were and remembering what we all had been up to. Mum was you main carer for over 9 years followed by my Dad as her understudy stepping in to give her a break. A Nan is an extension of your Mum, and it’s an unwritten rule that they are the only ones allowed to keep secrets from your Mum. Just one more sweet, staying up later to watch our favourite TV program, Making you hot chocolate and putting a hot water bottle in your bed. Always asking if we were ok, as I was crying like a Looney by your bedside you looked at me and said "I’m sorry" as you thought you were upsetting me. And only opening your eyes to ask after your great grandchildren they were your last words to us. As you took your last couple of breaths you looked at my mum as if to say "thanks for all you have done and now its time to take care of yourself." My last promise to you is that’s what Rach and I will do!!!!!!! Rest in peace my Super Nan. Xx